

Snatch Grip Push Press + 3 Overhead Squats (20 Minutes)


*Work up to something heavy for the day!  These should be 3 reps OHS with a PAUSE at the bottom of each rep if possible.  Try to focus on the push press from behind the neck and not a split jerk or push jerk.


For Time:

2 Rounds

10 Power Snatch (175/115#)

12 Bar Facing Burpees

2 Rounds

10 Power Snatch (115/75#)

12 Bar Facing Burpees


*15-minute time cap on this workout.  

Pick a weight for the first 2 rounds that you can do fast singles.  

The second two rounds should be a weight you can do touch and go snatches.  

This was Event 4 from Regionals.